Distinct Results

Software Packages (follow links to download code and examples):

    Scripts and programs are all distributed in the hope that they will be useful to you without any warranties. So, use them on your own risk for your own research purposes. Please, let me know if you need help or ... .
  • Ambient noise processing tools Corr_stack_v04.3.tar: Phase Cross Correlation and time-frequency Phase Weighted Stack as used in Schimmel et al. (2011a). Corr_stack_v04.3.tar is the latest release. The tar file contains the source codes, descriptions and 3 simple examples. My programs use SAC data and run on linux systems. Corr_stack_v04.1.tar is the same as Corr_stack_v03.6.tar, but adapted for local parallelization through "OpenMP" (Open Multi-Processing) which can be invoked during the compilation. Thus, Corr_stack_v04.x is much faster and this is the version which will be continued. Just download the tar file and open it with "tar xvf Corr_stack_v0x.x.tar". (Previous versions: Corr_stack_v03.6.tar, Corr_stack_v03.5.tar, Corr_stack_v04.2.tar). DOI: 10.20350/digitalCSIC/13836)

  • Seismic data segmentation datsegment1C: This program permits to segmentate data, e.g., for ambient noise processing, based on rms amplitude variability as introduced in Schimmel et al. (2021). The tar file contains the source code, a short description and a simple example (Fig 1, Schimmel et al., 2021). My program uses SAC data and runs on linux systems. Just download the tar file and open it with "tar xvf 20220602-datsegment1C.tar".

  • Time-frequency dependent polarization Polfre_s1.66el.tar: Find back azimuth BAZ(t,f), degree of elliptical polarization DOP_el(t,f) (among others) as used in Schimmel et al. (2011b). The tar file contains the source codes, descriptions and 4 simple examples. My programs use SAC data and run on linux systems. Just download the tar file and open it with "tar xvf Polfre_s1.66el.tar" (Previous version:here). DOI: 10.20350/digitalCSIC/13840)

  • Rayleigh wave ellipticity, measurement and inversion DOP-E: Determination of Rayleigh wave ellipticity as function of frequency (and BAZ) from seismic noise and event recordings and inversion to constrain the S-wave velocity as described in Berbellini et al. (2019). Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurements are based on Schimmel and Gallart (2004) and Schimmel et al. (2011b). The software works with SAC data format and contains an example.

  • Time-scale phase weighted stacking code ts-PWS: This link takes you to the GitHub site with the very fast and efficient ts-PWS stacking code for processing huge data volumes. This is the same as tf-PWS0 but based on wavelet theory. The design, implementation, performance, etc. have been described in Ventosa et al. (2017) and Schimmel et al. (2017). The software works with SAC & binary data formats. DOI: 10.20350/digitalCSIC/13846)

  • Fast and efficient phase cross-correlation (C Programs and examples) PCC: This link takes you to the very fast and efficient phase cross-correlation code for processing huge data volumes. The approach has been published as Ventosa et al. (2019) . DOI: 10.20350/digitalCSIC/13837

  • Fast and efficient phase cross-correlation (Python routine) PCC2: This is a fast and efficient python routine from Luis-Fabian Bonilla (IPGP & IFSTTAR). It computes the phase cross-correlation using the power of 2 to reduce operation complexity by an analytic simplification of the pcc equation. See Ventosa et al. (2019) for the details.

  • Group velocity determination using phase coherence and resampling strategies TS_PWS0_UG_1.5: This link takes you to the code for measuring group velocities in seismic noise correlation studies. The approach has been published in Schimmel et al. (2017) . It employs the phase coherence in the wavelet domain to stack noise cross-correlations and uses resampling strategies to robustly determine group velocities. The example uses the data from Figure 5 of Schimmel et al. (2017) .

    Good luck! If these programs have helped you in your research then please refer to the main or corresponding publications. Thanks.

P-Wave & S-Wave Velocity Models (download plain text files):

  • P-wave and S-wave velocity model for Brazil BR_tomo.tar.bz2: Velocity models (velocity perturbations) as published in Schimmel et al. (2003). The file can be opened using tar xvfj 2003-MSchi_BR_tomo.tar.bz2. You will find plain text files with the P- and S-wave velocity perturbations, the reference velocity model, and absolute velocities for grid points given by their latitude, longitude and depth. The absolute velocities need to be taken with care, since the inversion provides velocity perturbations and is invariant to constant velocity shifts (see my Fig. 13 in the publication).

  • Group velocity maps 2021-Nuñez_CR-GroupVelocityMaps.txt and 3-D S-wave velocity model 2021-Nuñez_CR-S-VelocityModel.txt for Costa Rica: Ambient noise fundamental mode Rayleigh wave group velocity maps and corresponding 3-D S-wave velocity model as published in Nuñez et al. (2020). (File formats: Latitude,Longitude,Period,Group Velocity and Latitude,Longitude,Depth,S-wave Velocity. Units are in deg, km, s, km/s. An S-wave velocity NaN indicates that there is no resolution at the corresponding grid point.)

Discontinuity Depth Maps (download plain text files):

  • Upper mantle discontinuities beneath Iberia and N-Morocco 2015-Bonatto_Iberia_410-660.tar.gz: Depth of the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities as published in Bonatto et al. (2015). The tar-file can be opened using tar xvf 2015-Bonatto_Iberia_410-660.tar. You will find 3 plain text files with station positions, and depths to the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities as function of bin position. File contents and format are explained in a README.pdf. These tables were used to generate the Figures 1b, 5,6,7,8,9 of Bonatto et al. (2015). See also Bonatto et al. (2013) for further information.

  • Paleozoic Ebro Basin (Spain) 2018-Romero_EbroBasin.txt: Here you can download Table S1 of Romero and Schimmel (2018) as text file. We use ambient noise autocorrelations to obtain the shallow subsurface reflection response in the Ebro Basin and focus to the Paleozoic basement. The table contains the station positions, two-way travel time of the reflected P-waves and the final discontinuity depths values obtained with our velocity models. Please, see Romero and Schimmel (2018) for further information.

Monitoring Structural Medium Changes (Detection & Location):

  • Monitoring 2011 El Hierro, Canary Islands, submarine eruption 2018-Sanchez_ElHierro_volcan.mp4: Movie of scattering cross-section density maps at various lag times as function of time (recorded day). The movie shows the location of the medium changes for the different phases (e.g., 2011 pre-eruption, quiet periods, 2012 pre-intrusions, intrusions). Data analyses and inversions are explained in Sanchez-Pastor et al. (2018).

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