In-house Software
- FX17Refl: Processing of FX17 Radiance products to Reflectance
- FX17Refl is meant to process images scanned by Lumo Scanner v2 with the FX17 hyperspectral camera to produce:
- A pdf with a set of diagnostic plots to assess the quality of the scanned image.
- A White image with the same geometry of the radiance image.
- A Reflectance image.
- Notes:
- This software assumes the scan has followed the protocol defined in Specim FX17 Lab Acquisition with Lumo Scanner
- See Comparison of options to calculate the Reflectance image
- Manual
- FX17Refl is meant to process images scanned by Lumo Scanner v2 with the FX17 hyperspectral camera to produce:
- Extract and plot Average Spectra for a set of Objects of Interest from Hyperspectral images.
- Crop Objects of Interest and produce multiple indvidual Hyperspectral images.
- Co-register and combine FX10 (400 - 1000 nm) and FX17 (900 - 1700 nm) products into single hypercubes (400 - 1700 nm).
- Increase spatial resolution (Pansharpening) of Specim IQ images (from 512x512 to 645x645).