Click on “Code” symbols to unfold code (folded by default).
Given the similar size of the small white reference () and the probe, we conjectured that some variability at positioning the white reference under the probe could imply a variable part of the black casing interfering the white reading. Nevertheless, results show that while there is a notorious difference in the mean because the larger White reference () is not as bright as the small one (see SpR_Wcomparison_np.Rmd), the standard deviations are very similar.
#with/without monitor
fdir <- "../Test20230110"
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)[7:16,]
selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=lista)
selRefs$W <- selRefs$sample
selRefs$W <- plyr::mapvalues(selRefs$sample, from=unique(selRefs$sample), to=rep(c("Big W", "Small W"),c(5,5) ))
d <- selRefs[,c(1:6,15)]
ds <- plyr::ddply(d, c("W","Wavelength"), summarise,
Reflectance.m = mean(Reflectance), = sd(Reflectance),
Radiance.m = mean(Radiance-Dark), = sd(Radiance-Dark),
WRadiance.m = mean(WhiteRad), = sd(WhiteRad))
# ggRefl <- ggplot(ds) +
# geom_point(aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance.m, color=W)) +
# geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength,, color=W)) +
# geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength,, color=W)) +
# ylab("Reflectance (mean +/- sd)") +
# ggtitle("Standard reference")
# ggRefl + xlim(c(1500, 2000))
# #+ylim(c(25000, 50000))
# RadStd <- ggplot(ds) +
# geom_point(aes(x=Wavelength, y=Radiance.m, color=W)) +
# geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength,, color=W)) +
# geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength,, color=W)) +
# ylab("Radiance (averag +/- sd)") +
# ggtitle("Standard reference")
# RadStd+xlim(c(1500, 2000))+ylim(c(25000, 50000))
RadW <- ggplot(ds) +
geom_point(aes(x=Wavelength, y=WRadiance.m, color=W))+
geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength, y=WRadiance.m +, color=W)) +
geom_line(aes(x=Wavelength, y=WRadiance.m -, color=W)) +
ylab("Radiance (averag +/- sd)") +
ggtitle("White references")
RadW+xlim(c(1500, 2000))+ylim(c(30000, 50000))
# grid.arrange(RadStd, RadW, RadStd+xlim(c(1500, 2000))+ylim(c(25000, 50000)), RadW+xlim(c(1500, 2000))+ylim(c(25000, 50000)))
NOTE: the problem of the Reflectance factor for the Big W must be solved, otherwise Reflectance can be > 1
Two different units of the NIRQUEST spectrometer acquired similar spectra, including no improvement in the absorption at 1260 nm. SpR found different optimum IT for each unit (57 ms vs. 45 ms).
fdir <- "../Test20230110"
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)[17:26,]
selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=lista)
selRefs$Instrument <- plyr::mapvalues(selRefs$sample, from=unique(selRefs$sample), to=rep(c("GEO3BCN", "UAB"), c(5,5)))
ggRefRefl <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance, label1=intT1, label2=intT2)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=Instrument)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5, aes(group=sample, color=Instrument)) +
#geom_line(data=Radcont[Radcont$Sample==2,]) +
#geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey") +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
#theme(legend.position="bottom") +
labs(color="") +
ggtitle("Reflectance (Standard Target)", subtitle = "")
ggplotly(ggRefRefl) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h", x = 0.4, y = 0.1))
Major axis regression among both NIRQUEST units resulted in a linear relationship with slope not significantly different to 1 and a very close to 0 intercept:
d <- selRefs[,c(1:6,15)]
ds <- plyr::ddply(d, c("Instrument","Wavelength"), summarise,
Reflectance.m = mean(Reflectance), = sd(Reflectance),
Radiance.m = mean(Radiance-Dark), = sd(Radiance-Dark),
WRadiance.m = mean(WhiteRad), = sd(WhiteRad))
dsw <- data.frame(Wavelength=ds$Wavelength[ds$Instrument=="GEO3BCN"],
lm2Refl1 <- lmodel2(UAB_Refl.m~GEO3BCN_Refl.m, data=dsw)
ggRefl <- ggplot(data=dsw, aes(x= GEO3BCN_Refl.m, y=UAB_Refl.m)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(aes(intercept=lm2Refl1$regression.results[2,2], slope=lm2Refl1$regression.results[2,3])) +
geom_abline(aes(intercept=0, slope=1), linetype=4)+
xlab("Reflectance (GEO3BCN NIRQUEST unit)") + ylab("Reflectance (UAB NIRQUEST unit)") +
theme(legend.position = c(.85,.15), aspect.ratio=1) +
ggtitle("Standard Reference (2 different NIRQUEST units)")
pander::pander(arrange(lm2Refl1$regression.results[2,2:3])) #
Intercept Slope
----------- --------
0.00887 0.9975
2.5%-Intercept 97.5%-Intercept 2.5%-Slope 97.5%-Slope
---------------- ----------------- ------------ -------------
0.002034 0.01566 0.9908 1.004
We analysed the effect of IT in NIRQUEST reflectance measurements, by varying IT around the optimum value as calculated by SpR, while keeping the IT of the STS-IT system constant at the optimum:
fdir <- "../time_measures20230102"
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)[-(1:121),] #exclude auto-capture readings
listasel2 <- lista[2:8,]
selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=listasel2)
ggRefRefl <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=intT2)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=intT2)) +
#geom_line(data=Radcont[Radcont$Sample==2,]) +
#geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey" ) +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
ggtitle("Reflectance (Standard Target)", subtitle = "Initial and final reading (IT: 46 ms, 15 ms)")
#ggplotly(ggRefRefl + scale_fill_continuous_diverging(palette = "Purple-Green"))
ggplotly(ggRefRefl + scale_color_gradientn(colours = blue2green2red(7))) %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h", x = 0.4, y = 0.1))
#21 and 26 clearly have too long an IT
#STS variabilty ~ NIRQUEST variability, despite the fact that IT in STS was kept constant (46 ms)
IT of 21 ms and 26 ms were clearly too long, but discarding these two values, the variability of NIRQUEST spectra (with variable IT) was close to that of STS Reflectance spectra, which were acquired with constant IT. This implies that fluctuations around the optimum IT are not translated into reflectance fluctuations as long as they are moderate, do not imply saturation or under-exposure, and the IT value is kept the same for the target and the white reference.
#note that values calculated with the large white reference are less variable.
#listasel3 <- lista[c(3,9:11),]
#selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=listasel3)
#selRefs$sample <- plyr::mapvalues(selRefs$sample, from=c(paste0("Ref_", 1:4)), to=c("small_46_16","big_46_16","big_51_16","small_37_12_contact" ))
#selRefs$Reflectance[selRefs$sample=="big_46_16"] <- selRefs$Reflectance[selRefs$sample=="big_46_16"] * 0.8
#selRefs$Reflectance[selRefs$sample=="big_51_16"] <- selRefs$Reflectance[selRefs$sample=="big_51_16"] * 0.8
#ggRefRefl <- ggplot(data=selRefs) +
# geom_point(aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance, group=sample,color=sample), alpha=1, size=0.5) +
# geom_line (aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance, group=sample,color=sample), alpha=1, linewidth=0.5) +
# geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey" ) +
# xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
# ggtitle("Reflectance (Standard Target)", subtitle = "Initial and final reading (IT: 46 ms, 15 ms)")
We tested the eventual effect of the light from the PC monitor, which light was always set to a minimum and oriented to the opposite direction of the measuring setup (and also note we were using a probe with its own light source). Results indicated no difference between having the PC monitor on/off during the measurements:
#with/without monitor
fdir <- "../Test20230110"
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)[1:2,]
selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=lista)
selRefs$monitor <- selRefs$sample
selRefs$monitor[selRefs$sample=="Ref_1"] <- "ON"
selRefs$monitor[selRefs$sample=="Ref_2"] <- "OFF"
d <- selRefs[,c(1:6, 15)]
ds <- plyr::ddply(d, c("monitor","Wavelength"), summarise,
Reflectance.m = mean(Reflectance), = sd(Reflectance),
Radiance.m = mean(Radiance-Dark), = sd(Radiance-Dark),
WRadiance.m = mean(WhiteRad), = sd(WhiteRad))
dsw <- data.frame(Wavelength=ds$Wavelength[ds$monitor=="ON"],
lm2Refl1 <- lmodel2(OFF_Refl.m ~ ON_Refl.m, data=dsw)
Intercept Slope
----------- -------
0.0009625 1
2.5%-Intercept 97.5%-Intercept 2.5%-Slope 97.5%-Slope
---------------- ----------------- ------------ -------------
-0.00109 0.00301 0.9979 1.002
ggRefRefl <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=monitor)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5, aes(group=sample, color=monitor)) +
#geom_line(data=Radcont[Radcont$Sample==2,]) +
#geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey") +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
theme(legend.position=c(0.9, 0.1)) +
labs(color="") +
ggtitle("Reflectance (Standard Target)", subtitle = "(IT: 53 ms, 17 ms)")
In order to protect the white reference, we take the white reading with the reference within a black holder that attaches to the probe leaving a constant distance of 5 mm from the probe to the reference. We carried out the following measurements:
spectrum name | White holder | White distance | Target holder | Target distance |
contact | No | 0.0 | No | 0.0 |
holder0 | No | 5.0 | No | 5.0 |
holder1 | Yes | 5.0 | Yes | 10.0 |
holder2 | Yes | 5.0 | No | 10.0 |
holder3 | Yes | 5.0 | No | 5.0 |
field | Yes | 5.0 | No | 0.0 |
Even such a short distance as 5 mm has a significant impact in the Radiance measurements of both the white and the standard references (compare “contact” and “holder0” in the figures). In the case of the white reference, the holder itself has some influence in the reading, probably because some light is actually absorbed: radiance spectra acquired with the holder (spectra “holder1” to “holder3”) are darker than those acquired without the holder at the same distance (5 mm).
fdir <- "../Test20230130"
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)
#file.rename(file.path(fdir, lista[17,1]),file.path(fdir, "20180201_130532_017_StdRef_adapt3_spectrum.txt")) #not following naming convention; only once
lista <- data.frame(fname=list.files(fdir, patt=glob2rx("*.txt")), fdir=fdir)
a <- strsplit(lista[,1], "_")
a <- sapply(a, function(x){x[5]})
a[a=="mind"] <- "contact"
a[a=="adapt4"] <- "holder0"
a <- sub("adapt","holder",a)
selRefs <- selSessionRefs(selflist=lista)
selRefs$holder <- selRefs$sample
selRefs$holder <- plyr::mapvalues(selRefs$holder, from=unique(selRefs$sample), to=a)
Wavelength2 <- selRefs$Wavelength[selRefs$holder=="holder3"]
WhiteRad2 <- selRefs$WhiteRad[selRefs$holder=="holder3"]
Reflectance2 <- (selRefs$Radiance-selRefs$Dark)[selRefs$holder=="contact"]/WhiteRad2
Reflectance <- selRefs$Reflectance[selRefs$holder=="contact"]
ggRefWRad <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=WhiteRad)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) + ylim(0, 60000) + ylab("Radiance")
#ggtitle("Radiance (White reference)", subtitle = "")
ggRefRad <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=Radiance-Dark)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) + ylim(0, 60000) + ylab("Radiance")
#ggtitle("Radiance (Standard Target)", subtitle = "")
ggRefRefl <- ggplot(data=selRefs,aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5,aes(group=sample,color=holder)) +
#geom_line(data=Radcont[Radcont$Sample==2,]) +
geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey" ) +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
theme(legend.position=c(0.92, 0.2)) +
ggtitle("Reflectance of Standard Reference", subtitle = "")
#d2 <- data.frame(Wavelength=Wavelength2, Reflectance=Reflectance2)
d2 <- data.frame(Wavelength=Wavelength2, Reflectance=c(Reflectance,Reflectance2),
holder=c(rep("contact", length(Wavelength2)),
rep("field", length(Wavelength2))))
RefMCAA01$sample <- "Certification"
x <- RefMCAA01[,c(1,3,4)]
names(x)[3] <- "holder"
d2 <- rbind(d2,x)
ggRefRefl2 <- ggplot(data=d2,
aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance, color=holder)) +
geom_point(alpha=1, size=0.5) +
geom_line (alpha=1, linewidth=0.5) +
#geom_line(data=Radcont[Radcont$Sample==2,]) +
geom_line(data=RefMCAA01, aes(x=Wavelength, y=Reflectance),col="grey" ) +
xlim(c(400, 2600)) +
ggtitle("Reflectance of Standard Reference", subtitle = "")
#+ geom_point(data=d2,alpha=1, size=0.5) + geom_line (data=d2,alpha=1, linewidth=0.5)
#subplot() does not display ggtitle() info:
subplot(style(ggplotly(ggRefWRad), showlegend=FALSE), ggplotly(ggRefRad), nrows = 2, titleY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE, margin = 0.1 ) %>%
#layout(legend = list(title="", orientation = "h", x = 0.15, y = 0.38),
layout(legend = list(title="", orientation = "v", x = 0.05, y = 0.98),
x = 0.1,
y = 1.0,
text = "White reference",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
xanchor = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
showarrow = FALSE),
x = 0.1,
y = 0.40,
text = "Standard reference",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
xanchor = "center",
yanchor = "bottom",
showarrow = FALSE)))